I'm Obsessed

I was blog surfing during lunch and came upon this website called The Selby. It's a website filled with Tom Selby's photography that catch creative types in their personal spaces. I LOVE this concept because I think that a person's home says so much about them and these pictures give you such great snapshots into their lives. I also love that the website was started by Selby doing test photos of friends in their homes, a little grass roots effort if you will. I've been paging through the website and I can't get enough, each picture is so interesting. Check it out!

1 comment:

Hilary said...

Just found your blog through Beth at Hello Splendor and so glad that I did! Love it! And I had to comment on your Selby post...he is awesome! I discovered his work several months ago and he continues to be a great inspiration. I actually entered a contest to meet him and would love your help in raising votes! My entry profile is here: http://www.theselbycontest.com/entry/80080

Looking forward to following your blog!

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